
Representatives of the Lewis-Clark Valley Healthcare Foundation today announced the opening of the second-year grant cycle on July 1 and anticipate giving away approximately $700,000 in grant funds this year.

A second category of grants have been added this year. In addition to the Impact Grants, which were used last year, the Foundation is offering a Fast Track Small Grant for smaller grant requests this year with $150,000 available.

The Fast-Track Small Grant is a quick turnaround grant of up to $5,000. This grant is intended for small nonprofits that focus on health, wellness, or disease prevention; have an annual operating budget of less than $250,000; and have an emphasis on serving rural communities within the Foundation’s three-state, nine-county service area: Clearwater, Idaho, Latah, Lewis and Nez Perce in Idaho; Asotin, Garfield and Whitman in Washington; and Wallowa in Oregon.

Fast-Track Small Grant applications can be submitted at any point during the year and may be awarded on a monthly basis until the funds available run out. The grant application process opens July 1 and the application can be found on the foundation’s website Lewisclarkhealth.org.

The larger impact grants are intended for requests up to $75,000 but the Foundation will consider compelling requests in any amount. Priority will be given to applications that demonstrate a commitment to long-term vision, building partnerships, and projects that address the root causes that affect health, wellness, and help prevent disease.

With the larger impact grants, a two-step process is followed. A letter of interest application, which can be found on the foundation’s website at Lewisclarkhealth.org, must be completed and submitted electronically, through email, or through regular mail. Letters of inquiry will be accepted starting July 1 and must be received by midnight on Aug. 1 to be considered.

The Board of Community Advisors will review the letters of inquiry and will invite those it deems most promising to complete a full grant application packet in September. Organizations that are selected for funding will be notified in early December, and the grant money will be distributed by year end.

The Lewis-Clark Valley Healthcare Foundation was established in 2017 by Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden as part of the sale of St. Joseph Regional Medical Center by Ascension Health to RCCH Healthcare Partners. The Idaho Attorney General’s office established specific guidelines for the grants. Last year, the Foundation gave away more than $250,000 in grants in its initial funding cycle.

“With our Fast-Track grants we are hoping to encourage nonprofits throughout our geographic region and help them meet needs without competing against the ‘big guys’. But we are intent on using the fantastic asset of the Foundation through our larger awards to encourage changes that really affect health,” said Dr. John Rusche, Chairman of the Board of Community Advisors.

The Idaho Attorney General’s office set up specific guidelines as to which categories of organizations are eligible to apply and what kind of grants may receive funds.  Those eligible to apply for grants are nonprofit tax-exempt organizations with 501(c)(3) classification from the IRS, and governmental entities, if used exclusively for charitable purposes of the trust. All proposals must be for health, wellness, or disease prevention to qualify.

Idaho Trust Bank has been designated as the Foundation’s Trustee by Attorney General Lawrence Wasden. Idaho Trust Bank administers this foundation. Foundation assets are invested to provide a multi-generational benefit for this region.

For more information on the board or the grant process, visit the Foundation’s website or contact Idaho Trust Bank at 208-664-6448.