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Large Impact Grant Application Deadline 7/31/2024
The Lewis-Clark Valley Healthcare Foundation is now open for large Impact Grant requests from $25,000 to $100,000. The deadline to apply for a large Impact Grant is July 31st, 2024. The Impact Grant application is located on the Foundation’s website:
The Lewis-Clark Valley Healthcare Foundation funds grants to promote the health, wellness, or disease prevention of persons within a three-state, nine-county area: Clearwater, Idaho, Latah, Lewis and Nez Perce in Idaho; Asotin, Garfield and Whitman in Washington; and Wallowa in Oregon.
Priority is given to applicants that demonstrate a commitment to long-term vision and projects that address the root causes that affect health, improve wellness, and help prevent disease. Grant applications can be for capital […]
2023 Large Impact Grant Recipients
- Interlink, Inc., $71,600, Clarkston, Elder Health Home Visitor Program.
- LC Valley Youth Resource Center Inc., Lewiston, $85,000, Youth Resource Center Drop-In & Overnight Programs.
- Lewis-Clark District Council of St. Vincent de Paul, Clarkston, $65,000, Help Idaho Families Program.
- Community Health Association of Spokane (dba, CHAS Health), $40,000, Lewiston, Clarkston, Moscow, SoCHAS Patient Assistance Program.
- Family Promise of Lewis Clark, $25,000, Lewiston, Family Promise of Lewis Clark Valley.
- Helping Hearts Child Advocacy Center, $30,000, Enterprise, Wallowa County Child Abuse Intervention and Youth Empowerment Project.
- Homes of Hope, $30,865, Lewiston, HALO Project and Operations.
- Idaho Foodbank Warehouse, Inc., $75,000, Lewiston, Mobile Pantry Program.
- Nursing & Health Sciences – Lewis-Clark State College, Lewiston, $50,000, Clinical Resource Center (CRC)/Skills Lab Equipment Updates.
- Pullman Regional Hospital Foundation, Pullman, $75,000, Training Family Medicine Physicians to practice in and meet the clinical needs of populations in rural and underserved communities.
- Sojourners Alliance, Moscow, $50,000, Sojourners Alliance Emergency Solutions Housing Voucher Program.
- St. Vincent de Paul Society – Moscow Conference of St. Francis of Assisi, Moscow, $30,000, Emergency Housing, Medical Care, and Utilities Fund – Latah County.
- Suicide Prevention of the Inland Northwest, Lewiston, $80,000, SPIN General Operations/988 Marketing Campaign.
- Syringa Hospital Foundation, Inc., Grangeville, $97,776, Mother & Baby, Labor & Delivery Safety in Idaho.
- Winding Waters Medical Clinic, Enterprise, $50,000, Wallowa County Community Pharmacy.
- Reliance Ministries, Lewiston, ID, $8,000, Sexual Assault Survivor Exams, support and care.
- Clarkston Community Garden, Clarkston, WA, $5,000, operating expenses.
- Clearwater County Senior Citizens Inc., Orofino, ID, $8,000, operating funds.
- Lewis-Clark State College Foundation, Lewiston, ID, $5,000, Community empowerment and healthcare literacy.
- The Green Apple Project, Clarkston, WA, $8,000, Sensory friendly equipment and activities.
- Moscow Contemporary, Moscow, ID, $8,000, Dance for Parkinson’s.
- Lewiston School District HUB (Lewiston Independent Foundation for Education) (L.I.F.E.), Lewiston, ID, $7,500, Upgrading an unreliable freezer and Student Medical Needs.
- Kamiah Senior Citizens Society Inc., Kamiah, ID, $8,000, Providing meals for Seniors in Kamiah.
- Clearwater Economic Development Association, Lewiston, ID, $4,000, Operation Red File.
- Clearwater Memorial Public Library, Orofino, ID, $4,000, Purchase of AEDs (Automated external defibrillator), cabinets for storing defibrillators and first aid items, and training for use and CPR.
- St. James Episcopal Church, Pullman, WA, $8,000, Weekend Backpack Food and Food for Families Programs.
- Lewis Clark District Council of St. Vincent de Paul, Clarkston, WA, $6,000, Overall Family Health and Wellness.
- Camas Prairie Preschool, White Bird, ID, $5,000, Empowering Early Development.
- Salmon River Senior Citizens, Inc., Riggins, ID, $6,000, Congregate Community Mealsite.
- LC Valley Youth Resource Center, Lewiston, ID, $9,000, The Village (Transitional Tiny House Village)
- The Jonah Project, Spokane, WA, $8,000, Training Rural Communities.
- Snake River Community Clinic, Lewiston, ID, $5,000, Project Breath.
- LC Valley Resilience Coalition (LCVRC), Clarkston, WA, $3,500, Resilience Coalition Conference-Community Connections & Resilience.
- First Church of God, Clarkston, WA, $8,000, Finding Freedom Celebrate Recovery.