Lewis-Clark Valley Healthcare Foundation announces Large Impact Grant Awards
The Lewis-Clark Valley Healthcare Foundation has approved fourteen Large Impact Grants totaling $625,888 to area nonprofit agencies to promote health, wellness or disease prevention of persons within a three-state, nine-county area: Clearwater, Idaho, Latah, Lewis and Nez Perce in Idaho; Asotin, Garfield and Whitman in Washington; and Wallowa in Oregon.
Below is the list of organizations that were approved to receive a Large Impact Grant including the amount awarded and what the grant funds will be used for:
- First Step 4 Life Recovery Center Ltd, $75,000 for Ruins to Recovery
- Snake River Community Clinic, $74,284 for Free Clinic
- LC Valley Youth Resource Center Inc., $75,000 for Drop-in Center & Overnight Accommodations
- Community Health Association of Spokane (CHAS), $75,000 for Expanding Access to Quality, Affordable Dental Care in the LC Valley Region
- Framing our Community Inc., $39,104 for Caring and Preparing
- Idaho Foodbank Warehouse, Inc. dba The Idaho Foodbank, $50,000 for Hunger Relief
- Interlink, Inc., $26,000 for continuation of Neighbor-to-Neighbor Program
- Interlink, Inc., $11,500 for ADA Ramps, Grab-bars and in-Home Minor Repair
- Wallowa Valley Center for Wellness, $50,000 for Hearts for Health
- Community Health Association of Spokane (CHAS), $35,000 for Southern CHAS Patient Assistance Pilot Expansion Program
- University of Idaho Foundation, $40,000 for Mental Health First Aid and QPR Training for Suicide Awareness and Prevention Program
- Public Health– Idaho North Central District, $40,000 for Senior Quality of Life and Cognitive Health Initiative
- Lewis Clark District Council of St. Vincent De Paul, $25,000 for Social Services
- The Green Apple Project, $10,000 for Capacity Expansion
Earlier this year, the Lewis-Clark Valley Healthcare Foundation awarded nearly $500,000 in Fast-Track Small Grants and Emergency Grants bringing the total amount of grants to be awarded during 2020 by the Foundation to over $1,123,000.00.
The Lewis-Clark Valley Healthcare Foundation was established in 2017 by Idaho Attorney General Lawrence Wasden as part of the sale of St. Joseph Regional Medical Center by Ascension Health to RCCH Healthcare Partners. The Idaho Attorney General’s office established specific guidelines for the grants and the Foundation’s Board of Community Advisors reviews and recommends the grants to be made. Those eligible to apply for grants are nonprofit tax-exempt organizations with 501(c)(3) classification from the IRS, or governmental entities, if used exclusively for charitable purposes of the trust. All proposals must be for health, wellness or disease prevention to qualify.
Idaho Trust Bank serves as the Foundation’s Trustee. For more information about the Foundation, please visit the Foundation’s website (https://lewisclarkhealth.org/) or contact Idaho Trust Bank.